25/01/2021 Hale Park, Cheshire

Firecrest: Today I was working in Halewood carrying out a preliminary ecological appraisal and thought I would use my limited outdoor time at Hale Park., which was nearby. 

The birds distinctive head markings, with black eye-stripe contrasting with broad, white supercilium really make this bird stand out, one of the best UK birds for sure. Really lovely little things. 

Although I don't keep a 'Cheshire list' this species is much sought-after by local listers and is very elusive and is definitely under-recorded due to one of their favourite habitats being rhododendron scrub under mature trees, which Hale park has in abundance. 
It was a tricky little blighter to pin down as it restlessly moved within the dense bushes and shrubs, but it was doing a circuit and with a bit of patience it would occasionally show itself. It even came right out into the open and foraged from the ground right in front of me. 
I believe the original finder was Geoff Bond, good stuff mate. 

This was another nice, safe, outdoor, socially distanced, Covid free post work walk. No crowds or other folk about and a stunning little bird to boot!