02/04/2012 Dark Billed Brent Geese: Spotted under Southend Peir feeding on the algae on the rocks. There was about 7 of them along with a handfull og BH Gulls, Sanderlings and Turnstones hightide.
They flew out on to the sea and then came back as I walked away to continue feeding again.
03/02/2012 Mediterranean Gull: MY FIRST EVER Mediterranean Gull off Southend Peir. This was the best of a bad bunch of shots as they floated off the east end n the sea.
There was around 4 Med Gulls spotted some of which in different phases of adulthood.

Expensive £20 a trip for less then 10 mins watching the seals but was nice a nice day out.
Above is the link to the boat tour website
14/08/2011 Common Tern: Southend Peir
14/08/2011Common Tern: Southend Peir. Also seen Black Headed Gulls, Turn Stones and a huge shoal of fish under the peir.
01/05/2011 Cuckoo: Two Tree Island. I was hunting thsi bird for around an hour could often see it from a distance on top of bushes or hear it from behind a tree.
01/05/2011 Cuckoo: After finally turning a corner and stopping it only two metres away perching in a tree another one flew past and challenged it. Can’t tell if this is male on male territorial behaviour or courtship between female or male as the sexes are not sexually dimorphic (they look the same)
01/05/2011 Cuckoo: Caught a snap of it flighing from it perch.
01/05/2011 Artic Terns: This is the view from of of the three hides on Two Tree Island overlooking a large pool with many scrpes here you can see Oystercather, Lapwing, Black Tail Godwit, Avocet and Artic Turns.
Above is a link for the RSPB Southend website and is by far the best website for local birding, give you step by step walk through of all the best sites including pictures and what the targe species are and the history.
Alos has a seperate link for the SEG (Southend Ornithological Society) which is also above here you can see any new news or sighting of interest.