16/09/2024 Donna Nook, Lincolnshire persistent

Red-backed Shrike: An unforgettable encounter with a pair of RBS on route to a job in Lincolnshire. Where I had two very confiding birds in perfect light put on a sensational show for me.

Autumn migration is one of the highlights of the year for us twitchers, but the quality and quantity of arrivals is always dependent on the prevailing weather conditions.

A persistent easterly winds has brought a scattering of scarce birds from the east including good numbers of red-backed shrikes, with many individuals stopping off in Britain on their way from Scandinavia.

Red-backed shrike was once a common British breeding bird that disappeared towards the end of the last century. We can only hope the rise in spring and autumn migrants might, one day, lead this charismatic species to breed regularly here once again.

Donna Nook National Nature Reserve is vast covering over 10 km of Lincolnshire coastline including sand dunes, inter-tidal areas, saltmarsh and open lagoons. The reserve is rich in bird life including many breeding species as well as more uncommon passage migrants and rarities.

Both birds were pretty loyal to a small area of hawthorn and buckthorn just north of the main car park. Special thanks to Paul Peters and Carrie for their help relocating the birds and being so friendly.