01/09/2024 Spurn, East Riding of Yorkshire

Wryneck: Spurn is synonymous with the arrival of migrant birds from Scandinavia during the autumn migration period and is a standout area for its amazing track record of producing rare and scarce birds. 

Toady might not have thrown up anything mega rare, but its was one of those magical migration days. Every other bush and shrub contained a pied fly or lesser whitethroat and we managed to relocate the wryneck at the point. 

Pied Flycatcher: The point was dripping with migrant birds, there was a small dell areas that had over a dozen pied flied, spot flys whinchat, yellow wags, redstarts and wheatear all feeding in the shrubs and movng through the area.

Whinchat: Todays trip was the brain-child of Gary, who needed wryneck and after dipping several in the past he had his eye on this weekend it's probably one of the most eagerly anticipated weekends to connect with wryneck. 
Red-backed Shrike: We had a smashing day, which was topped off with a wonderful woodchat shrike near the Wildlife Trust visitor centre.