09/04/2012 Frodsham Marsh, Cheshire

Chiffchaff: Once again after spending the day working from home in front of the laptop I was keen to enjoy some of this sproing sunshine and I headed down out in the search of water pipit,  this time at Frodsham Marsh. 
Again, no water pipit, but plenty of other nice birds including three black necked grebes on tank no.6, a single wheatear near the pipes near tank no.4 and a very nice male yellow wagtail briefly in the flooded area off Lordship lane. 

I wouldn't describe the flooded field as a flood anymore, it's drying out fast and is more like a muddy muddle. A few more days of dry weather and I fear it will no longer be wet at all.
In a patch of reed near tank no.3 there was  male chiffy belting out its song, the sound of springtime. I watched it as it foraged amongst the reeds and a hawthorn which was now in leaf. 

A lovely little bird to while away the late afternoon with.  

Meadow Pipit: I spent much of my time watching the flooded field as this is the area the water pipit has been favouring.
Birds were still visiting the flood, including pied wags, reed bunts and mipits, some of which came pretty close as the foraged wider across the muddy field.
I really like frodders, a place I learned by birding skills when I was a child. Although now its seems like a place I rarely visit, perhaps something that needs to change.