10/07/2024 My Garden, Golborne, Cheshire

Lesser Redpoll: A new bird for the new garden, this redpoll had been visiting the feeders through the day. These are tiny finches, only slightly bigger than a blue tit, and are sociable birds with chattering twitters and songs that enliven any garden. They are resident throughout the north of the UK particularly the far north and they tend to move further south as winter approaches.

I was surprised to see one in Summer, they are synonymous with visiting bird feeders during the Winter months. Perhaps they are breeding locally?In its breeding range, the key requirement is woodland and in particular birch and alder. Plantations of non-native conifers, particularly when the trees are relatively young are also favoured. 
The garden is looking really good at the moment, green and lush with the boarder plans and shrubs looking healthy and about to burst into colour. 

Identifiable by their streaky brown plumage and red patches on the head, lesser redpolls occasionally carry a red patch on their breast as well.

A welcomed distraction after returning back from a long, sunny holiday watching birds in Madeira.