20/04/2024 Normandy Marsh, Hampshire

Marsh Sandpiper: A bird that breeds in open grassy steppe and taiga wetlands from easternmost Europe to central Asia. A rare vagrant to areas of the UK and a bird I didn't want to miss, so edging my bets Kristian and I took the gamble by getting up at 3am and heading down to Hampshire for the early hours. 

These birds at first glance they resemble greenshanks but have a slender needle-thin bill and long olive-green legs, upon closer inspection these are pretty distinct features. The bird was busily dancing in the shallows at the far end of the western lagoons, feeding constantly and keeping its distance. 

This bird puts me on #450 for my British list, a real milestone and when I think back to all the early mornings, longs drives, the lows of crippling dips and the highs of connecting with rare birds its the memories with my mates, friends and acquaintances with I really treasure the most.