Once we were satisfied that we had searched Carr Lane Pools adequately we moved on down to the Lighthouse, starting from Within Way.
It was here we heard a Lesser Whitethroat calling on Within Way but only managed to see another Common Whitethroat. There were also Yellow Wags flittering around the crops in the surrounding fields.
Towards the shore line we picked up large flocks of Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit and some nice Wheatear.
Hale Lighthouse and Carr Lane Pools is a smashing place, particularly when the sun is out.
Common Swift: Before setting off back home I thought we would chance it again and give Carr Lane another go for Channel Wags, but again was only rewareded with the standard variety.
We were however treated to some low flybys from some Swift and bumped in to Dot, who as ever, is always a pleasure to chat with.