I simply can not do that, this place is AWESOME and it would be a crime not to tell anyone about it.
Besides this, by raising the profile of the place more money can be raised for the the nature conservation centre, and that's got to be a good thing!
As soon as I stepped out of the car the call of the Cuckoo was all around, the sun was beaming down, the skies were blue and the woods and the house looked stunning.
Just a few yards from the house a pair of Pied Flycatchers were happily living up to their namesake. I continued to come across Pied Fly throughout the woods (Home Wood) and around the car park while Buzzards were soaring overhead and Ravens were crowing from the tops of the tallest trees.
Redstart: This stonking male Redstart was among the gorse bushes at the far north of the reserve, there were at least two male and one female but there was possibly more.
I was really looking forward to catching sight of this stunning bird but after around an hour of trying to get a decent pic I now hate it, the bird doesn't like getting its picture taken and was one step ahead of me.
Cuckoo: In the same area this Cuckoo was calling and then flew off while getting mobbed by a gang of mipits.
I will be back and I will tell people to go and enjoy this little gem of a place and I would hope they would have as a good of a time as I did.
Oh and I still love Redstart how can I not, just look at them. Cheers to Paul Brewster for the heads up on this place.