Nuthatch: After a few days off im finally back at Burton Mere where I am never disapointed, Water Rail, male Hen Harrier and Whooper Swans makes for a good day at work.
Siskin: The feeders have been moved away from the reception building and the birds are loving the new set up. They have been placed by the meres and picnic tables where you can see Siskin, Nutchatch and loads of other woodland birds feeding up close.
The feeders will need to be topped up very regually here!
Redpoll: While I sat at the picnic table watching the Siskin fight for its spot on the bird feeder I saw breifly this Redpoll. I was only able to reel off a few shots, most of which the bird was in focus but behind the branches of the tree, this was the best of a bad bunch!