Little Tern: Look blue skies, Fantastic!
It was my first day at the Little Tern colony at Gronant as Voluntary warden and the sun was out I was accompanied by some really nice people. I was given an introduction and was trained to learn how to listen out for the birds alarm calls and act when a predator came.
Myself and the other volunteer warden primary role o to deter the Kestrels which have been devastating the colony of late, if we dont help stop them this could be the worst year they have had since Denbighshire Council took over from the RSPB.
Within minutes of my arrival there was an attempted attack from tow Peregrines, how came in low and fast the Little Terns did most of the fending off but Wendy the senior warden went running and shouting toward the killer bird and it soon flew off out of sight.
An hour or so went by then suddenly there was more commotion as we spotted a female kestrel flying in towards the colony, Wendy did here usual thing of running off after the bird and me and another voluntary warden kept out eye on it as it came away from Wendy and flew around the back of us. I then ran off was frantically blowing my whistle, which had very little effect as the bird flew in low and fast and grabbed a Little Tern chick, feeling very disappointed the bird then flew with speed out of sight.
Stone Chat: (male) The people on the site are doing some amazing work and they think there is about 40 chicks still active but if the kestrel attacks continue they may end up with ZERO! Therefore there is an
URGENT APEAL FOR MORE VOUONTARY WARDEND, anyone who has some free time please get in touch with Richard (Email below)
Sedge Warbler: Gronant is a stunning place it’s full of birds and orchids. As I was walking towards the colony I saw two Stone Chat a male and female, Skylark where everywhere and the odd Reed Bunting was spotted over the Reed Beds.
Although we didn’t want to see the Peregrines as they were attempting to take a Little Tern chick it was still nice to see two but the star bird has to be the 50-60 Little Terns.
Soldier Beetle: Marsh Orchids where everywhere looking stunning in the sunshine, with a quick change of lens I was able to get low and close and take this shot. The place was full of active Butterflies, Dragonflies and other insects bit many I was unable to Id.