Marsh Orchid: A brief trip to Burton started off pretty good with a walk through the woods I saw Greater Spotted Woodie, Tree Creeper, Nuthatch, Blackcap and Willow Warbler.
I then got to the main reception hide and saw Black Tail Godwits, Avocet with young and the usual garden birds around the feeders which are always good to see.
The day then got relatively quiet with no notable birds t mention on the reserve as I was hoping for a Spotted Flycatcher.
Although the day picket up again when I got to the other hide and was a field full of wonderful Marsh Orchids right outside the window.
Theses where inaccessible but along the reed bed walk there where was the odd one dotted about amongst the sedges and reeds
A stunning wildflower
Ok, ok, I know my Blog is slowly turning in to Austin's Wildflower Blog!
Well watch this space for more pictures and reports of wildbirds.