Of which there have been 25 Waxwing favouring the area around Go Outdoors in Blackburn. I like the fact Waxwings are attracted to urban areas and can be seen around town centres and retail parks, they are birds anyone can find anywhere!
In my humble opinion these are one of the best British birds, they are relatively scarce and can only been seen during one part of the year and they are stunning, with yellow waxy wings and tail tips and a rosey crest.
Although I didn't see any birds on the Rowan, there were plenty in that area with plenty calling in a tree off Garden Street.
The birds eventually moved off Garden Street and flew across the road to Portland Street.
Here they spent the afternoon loafing around the treetops and occasionally coming down to feed on berries.
It was great spending the afternoon watching the birds as they flew around the houses and feeding on the berries.
When I got home I was gutted to read on Facebook that there was a small flock of Waxwings spotted in the car park of Toby Carvery in Lowton.
This is only 5 minutes up the road from where I live. I guess it goes to show that these birds can turn up anywhere!
I'm sure I will either be back in Blackburn or finding some Waxwings a little closer to home.