Reed Bunting: A trip to Moore to see if I could finally bag the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, the elements where conspiring against me as the heavens opened and the sun took his hat off!
Greenfinch: Not much out of the ordinary around the feeding station, Green and Gold Finches, Blue, Coal and Great Tits, Reed Buntings, Nuthatch, Treecreepers and a few Jays and the Greater Spotted Woodpeckers. The weather was getting worse the rain was pouring down and the light was poor even with high ISO.
But it was quite apart from the birds and their songs and calls, still it was nice, it was a million miles away from work in that dam office.

Greater Spotted Woodpecker: There where two male woodsy around the feeding station, I was hoping for a snap of the Lesser Spotted and after getting a stiff neck, walking around looking up at the trees around the boardwalk I still didn’t get a glimpse of the beauty.
The woody was showing really well guarding the feeder, he kept hoping from the tree to the feeder ever time a Blue Tit or Finch tried to seed.
Before getting dropped off at Moore I started my day with a brilliant trip to Martin Mere WWT and saw my first ever ***COMMON CRANE***. It was at some distance seen from the Ron Barker Hide but it was showing well for about 10 minutes or so before dipping down behind a bush.
It was tremendously brilliant and tremendously rare only about 6 breeding pairs in the UK over in Norfolk and with at least 60 passing though,. The Crane was a very nice surprise.
Another ‘LIFE TICK’ I hope it sticks around as I will be back over the weekend.