These impressive beasts are the largest member of the game bird family and resides exclusively in the pinewoods of Scotland. Male cappers are mainly grey in colour and have reddish-brown wings with a white patch on the shoulder. The head, neck and breast are tinged with blue, and the eye is fringed by a ring of red skin. Males also have a “beard,” that is most noticeable during courtship displays, and a broad fanned tail.
This bird was aggressively pumped up with testosterone and with it's wings pointed down, tail flared and beard bristling it was busily charging at dog walkers, cyclists and even a jogger!We kept our distance, and respected the birds boundaries backing off when it approached.
Today, as detailed above, capercaillie are under threat from various factors but not least because of reduction of their favoured habitat. Research has shown that capercaillie densities are highest in semi-natural woodland. Despite this, 60% of the population are found in plantation type woodlands, because there is not enough undisturbed native pinewood habitat left to support a majority of the capercaillie numbers.
One thing that struck me was how respectful the other passersby were acting, with most of the dog walkers stopping and moving through the woods the avoid part of the public track the bird was occupying or dismounting and walking past the bird more gracefully and light footed then just speeding by.
Capercaillie make full use of a varied pinewood habitat. In winter the birds need pine trees for food and in summer good ground cover of shrubby vegetation for nesting and chick rearing. This reliance on, and exacting needs of, a varied but specific habitat led to their extinction in the past when the forests were destroyed by people. Though hunting played a part, it probably only accelerated the inevitable process. Today, as detailed above, capercaillie are under threat from various factors but not least because of reduction of their favoured habitat. Research has shown that capercaillie densities are highest in semi-natural woodland. Despite this, 60% of the population are found in plantation type woodlands, because there is not enough undisturbed native pinewood habitat left to support a majority of the capercaillie numbers.
All capercaillie in Scotland are from Swedish stock, as the species became extinct in Scotland in 1785. The population has halved in recent years and a variety of threats including habitat loss and fragmentation, birds flying into deer fencing and chick mortality due to wet and cool weather now face this species.
As part of the Lek It be guidance I will not be including any information about specific site locations in the post and I will not be or sharing any information regarding the birds location.
As part of the Lek It be guidance I will not be including any information about specific site locations in the post and I will not be or sharing any information regarding the birds location.