Holiday and Trip Reports

23/10/2022 Marshside RSPB, Southport

Lesser Yellowlegs: So today I convinced Dawn to bring Autumn and come with me to Marshside, sold off the back of a nice morning out after the rain and a walk with our wellies on. 

The baby loved it as she jumped and slashed around in the muddy puddles along the top of the bank overlooking inner Crossens and I was happy  togging the rare American vagrant. 


This rare vagrant breeds from western Alaska and Canada east to western Quebec and spends its winters on the coasts from southern California and Virginia southward through Central and South America. 
Their preferred habitats include coastal mudflats and lagoons, inland lakes, ponds, rivers, sewage works, and flooded grasslands. Not that dissimilar to what Marshside has to offer.
The bird spent most of its time on the nearside bank where the water had retreated exposing a small area off mud. Although it did from time to find get spooked by dog walkers and their companions but often returned. 
The bird showed exceptionaly well, although the predator fencing around the border of inner Crossens made it very difficult to photograph the bird. 
A great morning out spent with a great local bird, and a nice walk with the family.