Holiday and Trip Reports

22/10/2022 Spurn, East Riding of Yorkshire

Red-flanked Bluetail: After seeing the photos and reports coming out of Spurn one the last few days I was keen to go have as try myself, so when Carl got in touch offering a lift with Kris I could't say no. 
We arrived shortly after sunrise and and our main plan was to connect with a Pallas's leaf warbler and the bluetails that have been around for a few days.
Bluetails breed in Siberia and usually overwinter in south east Asia but a small number come to western Europe each year.
We saw both bluetails, the first near Vicars Lane which were were lucky enough it see it get rung, a fanatics experience to see one in the hand. 
Firecrest: The other bird had been foraging in a ditch at the back of a Easington playing fields. This bird was remarkable, bluetails were once a very soughtafter, very rare bird but are now now basically annual visitors to the UK, although only in small numbers
We dipped the Chalk Bank Pallas's but picked a lovely little firecrest. Closely related goldcrests these are the UK's smallest birds, they are tiny creatures that are slightly smaller even than a wren.
Black Redstart: We also spent some time with a large crowed at the church in Easington as we waited for the OBP to drop in, a tricky bird and one we failed to see. Although we did get a nice black-red in the grounds of the church, our second one of the day after finding one at the south side of the breach. 
Pallas's Leaf Warbler: Another extremely tricky bird that we did mange to connect with was the Pallas's along Vicars Lane. A small, short-tailed and extremely active warbler with well-marked plumage. Has well-defined pale median crownstripe.

A great day out overall, with some fantastic eastern birds and some great company.