Holiday and Trip Reports

New York Trip Report

American Robin: Please see the link below that will take you to my holiday and trip report section of my blog (see bottom of the page).

Here you can read my account from my visit to New York, an amazing city with lots to offer.
Yellow Warbler: You might not expect a busy city with busy parks surrounded by skyscrapers, traffic and hurly-burly of city life to be a productive birding destination. But like many cities there are some marvellous green spots that attract an eye-opening variety of birds that are drawn to these pockets of green during migration and to breed.

Cerulean Warbler: Late Spring may not be the best time of year to visit NYC as many birds in Central Park build their nests, lay eggs and raise their young at this time of year and migration halts.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: So I concentrated my efforts on five main locations, Bryant Park, Central Park within Manhattan, Jamaica Bay  located on the southern side of Long Island. Sterling Forest and Doodletown upstate in Bear Mountain State Park.

Prairie Warbler: This allowed me to see a wider variety of birds and gave me the chance to experience birding outside of the city, visiting the southern coast and the forest hills upstate.

Black Skimmer: I was also extremely lucky to make some new friends, all experts in their fields, knowledgeable and welcoming.

Janet, Alan, Gail and Tom were great and their help and guidance were out of this world.
Worm-eating Warbler: Tom Stephenson is the co-writer of  'The Warbler Guide' one of the most extensively researched identification books on American warblers.