Holiday and Trip Reports

23/06/2019 RSPB Cors Ddyga, Anglesey

Savi's Warbler: Cors Ddyga is one of Wales' largest lowland wetlands and for more than 20 years, RSPB Cymru has been transforming these pasture fields into a wetland.

And have done a fantastic job too.

Savi’s warbler is, like the much commoner grasshopper warbler, a member of the genus Locustella. Literally meaning “little locust” a name given due to the birds buzzing like call it has.

Painted Lady: I didn't have to wait long before I could hear a low, insistent buzzing ringing out from the depths of the reedbed. Similar to gropper but a very different tone.

A first for me and great to see out in the open and showing well.

Also had a turtle dove, a nice surprise and the 2nd record for the reserve, or so I've been told and this rather worn looking long distant migrant butterfly, the painted lady.