Holiday and Trip Reports

18/02/2024 Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire

Great Grey Shrike: I started the day over in a fantastic woodland, the remnants of an ancient royal forest in Nottinghamshire, Sherwood Forest. 

Meeting up with tom Marshall and Matt Woodward, two legends who I've not seen in far too long a time.  

Made legendary as the home of the famous outlaw in the ballads of Robin Hood this 400 acre forest, surrounded by lowland heathland this is one of the premier places in the UK to see the famously scarce lesser-spotted woodpecker. Our main target for the day although we only had a brief male calling before flying overhead and out of sight. 
We moved on to Buddy Common where we got wood lark singing and this smart shrike. the bird was predictably mobile and ranging across areas without access so it was tricky to get anything decent on it, but good to see all the same. 


Lesser Scaup: After a laugh and chinwag over a cup of coffee and some scran in the visitor centre coffee shop I moved on back home and headed to Woolston in Warrington to try my luck with the lesser scaup.

Dave Spencer refund the lesser scaup  at Woolston Weir after it being found over the bund on Woolsten Eyes NR. The bird after relocating here was in a poor light and at some distance, let's hope it goes back to the Eyes and shows better.