Holiday and Trip Reports

23/12/2023 Crosby Marina, Sefton, Merseyside

Black-throated Diver: With Christmas fast approaching I have been keen to get out and bird, it won't be long and I will be back in work so decided to meet Kristian and had out loacally starting with the long staying black-throated diver at  Crosby Marina Lake.

Black-throated divers are large waterbirds, larger than a great crested grebe but smaller than a cormorant in size. They look smart in their summer plumage, with a black throat, silky grey head and neck, and a black and white-chequered back. In the winter, black-throated divers turn a very dark grey above and white below, with an obvious white patch on their rear flanks. 

In their summer plumage they have vertical white stripes at the side and a short collar of white spots, resembling a barcode. Out of breeding plumage black-throated divers have grey-brown backs with white spots and a white patch on their flanks. They have grey crowns and napes and white forenecks bordered with fine black lines.
It took a short while to relocate the bird, walking in the opposite direction din't help. one we found it the bird was far out from the Activity Centre. 

Eventually the bird kept diving and swimming closer and closer and showed really well. 

If I don't manage to post before the big day let say Happy Christmas to all my blog readers, hope you all have a great day and again, thank you so much for liking on my blog links and reading through my posts.