Holiday and Trip Reports

23/04/2023 Whinfell Tarn, Cumbria

Hooded Merganser: Direct from the shores of North America or maybe not?

This bird has some folk excited and I share their enthusiasm to add another North American vagrant to our British list, but the sceptics still question.

The bird is unlined, completely able to fly and has a routine where it roosts on the Tarn and then dispersers possibly back to the River Kent near Kendal where is was first observed and then back again to roost while it associating with both tufted duck and gossander. 
When we arrived there was no sign of any birds on the Tarn and with limited viewing only from a small public road I astride to worry, but not before too long the bird appeared from behind the only area of the Tarn that was out of sight.
Will it get accepted? I might have more luck predicting the lottery, lets just wait and see. 
I'm hoping it gets accepted, all I can do is keep my fingers crossed.