Holiday and Trip Reports

09/12/2022 Daisy Hill WWTW, Westhoughton

Water Pipit: Daisy Hill waste water treatment works (WWTW) does not provide extensive wetland habitats suitable for interesting birds but it does provide areas of rough grass, scrub and hedgerows that are becoming increasingly rare in the wider area.
In recent years modern WWTW's can be valuable winter feeing area for a wide variety of birds as they come to feed around the filter beds. A returning bird that I am always pleased to see is the water pipit which I saw here last winter.
Despite making several visits this bird was found by local legend Phil Rhodes. 
Its a nice little place, and I've made a couple of visits since the bird was found and had a few snipe, grey wagtail, bullfinch, raven and tones of meadow pipit.