Holiday and Trip Reports

26/04/2022 Marshside RSPB, Southport

Black-winged Stilt: I was utterly blown away by this bird while it put on a good show in the shallow pools at the back of marshside. 

This was my third visit to Marshside after seeing it the day it was found last week and once again on the weekend after seeing the wood sand at Newton Marsh when it was so far away it was almost on the moon!

This time however it performed magically, now the birds moved over onto Crossens Inner Marsh its now viewable in better light and comes much closer to the public footpath then when its was on Rimmers Marsh. 

It was a mild, calm soon to be warn day, much like that of the Mediterranean where this rare wader originates. The stilt is now currently rubbing wings with our Arctic winter visitors, who will be on the move northwards to their breeding grounds in the next few weeks.
Hundreds of pinkies remains, the snow goose, and white-fronted geese also remain in the area. 

Another highlight was bumping into Andy Pryce and Steve Young, two top blokes I was more than happy to share this excellent bird with. Cheers lads.