Holiday and Trip Reports

11/01/2020 RSPB Marshside, Southport

Long-billed Dowitcher: Its always good when there's a decent local bird to twitch, the news of this bird came through late afternoon yesterday and I it would be rude not to go over and see it.
This is my third LBD but possibly the best showing of the three. Upon arriving the bird was roosting behind some vegetation before being spooked.

It then got picked up by the expert eyes of Mark Nightingale as it fed along a distant ditch.

Here are some dodgy phone scope images of the bird when it was further up the ditch. The bird eventually came a lot closer.
Unfortunately I missed out on the white triangular patch above its tail and white uppertail-covers the bird exhibits in flight, all I ended up with from the flight shots were blurry brown blobs streaking across the sky!

Note to self, must try harder!