Holiday and Trip Reports

29/04/2019 Pendle Hill

Dotterel: There is no better way to see these magnificent bird then in the Spring sunshine, despite the strenuous and leg-aching climb to the summit it was well worth it.
The atmospheric brooding bulk of Pendle Hill dominates the skyline with its table ridge like appearance and affords some stunning views across the East Lancashire landscape.
Pendle Hill is famous in the birding world for being a very important spring passage site for dotterel with the best times to see them up on hill during the last week in April and first ten days of May.
Pendal Hill affords them their preferred habitats with short grass, rocky outcrops and stony patches. The local sheep do their job in mowing the plateau lawns and keeping the grasses short.

Some birds are a joy to spend time with and a real reward for wildlife photography and these waders have to come top of the list. Dotterel can be very tame and with patience they will often approach you allowing excellent photographic opportunities.
This bird was no exception and was happily foraging a few feet away.
See Dawn sitting on the brow of the hill, waving me on to hurry up as she was getting cold and wasn't looking forward to the climb back down the steep slops of the hill.