Holiday and Trip Reports

09/12/2018 West Kirby Marina Lake, Wirral

Great Northern Diver: I've waited all week to catch up with the bird but had no chance of getting over to Wirral due to my work load.

Dunlin: West Kirby Marine Lake can be very empty and devoid of birds  but every so often it can throw up something decent and when it does it attract lots of local of birders, today was no different.

As I arrived there were a dozen or so birders and toggers frantically searching for the diver across a busy and windy lake, busy not with birds but boats. Yeah typically the sailing club was in full swing on the lake and the bird was on the move.
Flock of Dunlin: Eventually the diver popped up out of the grey-ish waters and showed, but not very close! Still it was nice to see.

After I had my fill of the diver IO spent some time with the roosting waders some of which came pretty close.