Holiday and Trip Reports

15/07/2018 Spurn, East Yorkshire

Greater Sand Plover: On Saturday late afternoon my phone pings and a message pops up 'greater sand plover, Spurn' unfortunately I was working hard laying my new garden patio and was knacked and couldn't face the journey up.
I was even tired come Sunday morning and didn't set off until gone 9am, and typically when you leave late for a rare bird it tends to disappear. which this did, by around 8.30am the bird had been relocated and flew off with the message saying up high around 20miles north.

Needless to say I was gutted.
Dawn and I decided to chance it and continue our journey with a stop off in Hull town centre for some shopping and food. And just as we got back in to the car to head off home I saw another message pop up saying that the bird was back!

Needless to say I was thrilled, and we shot off down the Spurn.
The bird gave us an excellent show as it fed along the beach with a pair of ringed plover, too distanct for my lens but great in the scope were I manged some scope-shots.

I think we got lucky overall, as not only did the bird come back, but it seemed o be allot closer, in better light and less heat haze.
According to the excellent Andy Roadhouse  'The Birds of Spurn' book  this is the 3rd GSP for Spurn.