Holiday and Trip Reports

27/11/2017 Crosby

Snow Bunting: Despite the very windy conditions and having around 10 tons of sand blown in to my eyes it was great to finally catch up with a local snow bunt. 
I managed an early dart from work having banked some time in lieu after working away last week.
Starting my new role as an ecologist at Amey has really eaten in to my free time to get out birding, as now my workload has massively increased and what little down time I have I want to spent it with Dawn.
So when I'm out, even in the wind and rain its always valued.

The snow bunt was at the far end of the boating lake in between the walkway that takes you on to the beach and it was associating with a couple of skylark. 

Skylark: The birds were getting moved around alot by being flushed by dogs and their walkers although they stayed in the same area, favouring the grass near the small pool.
These birds are stunning, a far cry from a LBJ (little brown job), take a look at their caramel and french roast coloring.
A nice afternoon out.