Holiday and Trip Reports

13/06/2017 Cleveland, North Yorkshire

Rose Colored Starling: What a day! First stop Bowesfield Marsh were I spent a couple of hours searching for the Marsh Warbler that has been there for a week or so.

Its a pretty big site and I struggled to find the precise location of the bird, there were no other birders around and once I did manage to find the location I couldn't hear the bird.

During this extensive search I also lost my camera hood and camo-cover!!! Gutted!!!
My second stop was at Billingham, about 15 minutes North towards Middlesbrough where I was hoping to see the Rosy Starling.

The bird didn't disappoint, after only waiting 20 minutes or so the bird appeared in a cherry tree before flying down on to the deck and joining it's cousins foraging on the ground.
Although when I first arrived I did get a little worried as typically I had birders telling me 'you've missed it by five minutes' and 'it was perched up in the tree a moment ago'
This is only my second Rosy and was well worth the trip as I don't think I will see one at such close quarters as this one again for a long while!

Marsh Warbler: After getting my fill of the Rosy Starling I headed home and got a message from Jonathan Scragg who informed me he had re-located the Marsh Warbler and it was singing.
Jonathan was kind enough to give me some directions and I turned around and headed back towards Bowesfield.

Almost as soon as I arrived, back in the same location I was searching only hours earlier, the bird was singing and perched up from time to time.

Cheers Jon I owe you pint!