Holiday and Trip Reports

29/04/2017 Whitedale Valley, Dunsop Bridge, Lancs

Pallid Harrier: Originally when I saw that there had been information posted about a Harrier species on Lancashire heathland I thought that some one had dropped a clanger!   
However after seconds thought perhaps the RSPB who released the info are boxing clever, with such an attraction as this, the 1st ever male Pallid Harrier for Lancashire there will be more people watching this site, more publicity and more focus put on scrupulous game keepers.
And what a superb bird he is too, seriously stunning! After a very early start in order to complete a breeding bird survey I felt too tired to go driving up the hills and walking 4km to view the bird.
But once I got home and started to relax I saw Bill Aspens Tweet quote '@BillAspin More Bowland Pallid Harrier, absolutely epic! Spectacular views of a truly stunning bird. To those hesitating about making the trip, just do it!'

So I did.....
I arrived in good time and took on the long walk through the valley with gusto and connected with the bird almost straight away.

It was also good to catch up with some local faces, some of which I hadn't met before or seen in a while.