Holiday and Trip Reports

22/01/2016 Filey Brigg, North Yorkshire

Great Northern Diver: I was really hoping to see the three Richards Pipit that have been hanging around Flamborough Head's north landing for a week or so now, but yet again this pain in the backside bogey bird still eludes me.
I searched for hours in the first grassy field and the surrounding area of north landing and got very wet and very cold so made the decision to move on knowing that they would turn up in the afternoon.
I decided to go to Filey Brigg to catch up with the Surf Scoter, this bird too had gone, or at least I couldn't find it.

Still it was great to see this GND so close up riding the waves that were surging up against the Brigg.
White-beaked Dolphin: I also stumbled across this magnificent animal washed up dead, I had seen pictures on Social Media of a Glaucous Gull feasting on it, all I saw were Greater Black-backed and Herring Gull.
Ultimately it is really sad to see such a brilliant thing washed up like this however it is also incredible to see such a rare and elusive dolphin so close up.