Holiday and Trip Reports

26/04/2015 Leighton Moss RSPB

Marsh Harrier: Its funny how and when things turn up.

I've been doing some breeding bird surveys up in Cumbria and passing Leighton Moss every week for the past few months, and I never thought I would pick up a PBG here!
Great to see another UKMEGA and to bag another life tick, this was a bird I was looking forward to catching up with after missing the Hollingworth bird in 2010.

Tawny Owl: Great supporting cast too, including superb views of two male Marsh Harrier and Tawny Owl on the footpath right outside the hide.

Pied-billed Grebe:  Disappointingly this is the best I could manage considering the distance and using my iPhone and scope!  

However if you want to see some awesome images of the same bird just a few hours earlier have a look at Zac Hinchcliffe's blog