Holiday and Trip Reports

29/02/2015 Leighton Moss RSPB

Green-winged Teal: Great to catch up with this years first American counterpart of the Eurasian Teal.

Mainly identifiable by its very obvious vertical strip at the front of its flanks - Eurasian Teal have a vertical stipe.
As usual as soon as I arrived the bird had moved from the Grizedale Hide where it had been showing a lot closer and over to Tim Jacksons Hide, a little further from my lens and in worse light!
Never the less it was great to pick the bird out amongst the many Eurasian Teal and add to the year list.
Shoveler: There where loads of other 'dross' as some other people would say - me however think a good drake GWT, Shoveler and 18 Snipe makes for a good morning out.
Wigeon: Not the American variety, but great to see at close quarters. But gain does an American Wigeon go down as 'dross' - not to me!