Holiday and Trip Reports

10/03/2015 Astley Moss

Yellowhammer: Lovely morning at a very bright but muddy Astley moss. The place was full of the sound of male Yellowhammers singing  and I saw and counted six males and four females, but I assume there was lost more I missed.
Common Buzzard: I didn't venture too far and spent most of my time waiting on the main drive, where I places some seed.

While perched here I also counted three Common buzzard two soaring high and one pretty low the adjacent field and a pair of Grey Partridge.
Sparrowhawk: After getting my fill of the hammers I decided to walk over to the barn just past the houses and opposite the moss itself, checking out the surround fields.

These were filled with Lapwing and singing Skylark and just before I left I also got some lovely views of a sprawk flying low over the fields.