Holiday and Trip Reports

05/03/2015 Richmond Bank

Firecrest: What a stonker a really lovely little bird to connect with, and it has been a very long time since I last saw one. 

Dawn and I spent the morning feeding the Ducks and Gulls at Three Sisters NR. I was hoping to pick up the nice Med Gull that has been knocking around there, but alas no luck, never the less we did have fun feeding the birds though.
From here we decided to go and try for the Richmond Bank Firecrest, knowing the site really well I didn't hold out much hope as there are huge areas of brambles, willow and scrub.
As soon as we arrived we bumped in to a couple of gullers waiting on the receding tide to bring back the gull roost, and were kind enough to inform us that they had seen the Firecrest within the last hour and pointed us in the direction that the bird flew off.
Despite getting some relatively decent shots this little bird was so hard to pin down, I must have taken a couple of hundred blurred images of the bird foraging and out of focused brambles!
Dawn and I were joined by another birder when we noticed there was actually two males, as one came out of nowhere and they started chasing each other until they flew off out of sight.