Holiday and Trip Reports

04/12/2014 Rossall Point, Lancs

Shore Lark:  This little cracker was showing incredibly well about 300 yards of the observation tower at Rossall point this afternoon.

A new bird for my list, made that little bit better having seen it as a county bird too - no big trips to the East coast or norfolk for me.

It was brilliant to see this male with it's sandy brown back, black chest band, a curving black mask, and head stripes that extend to the back of the head that are sometimes raised into tiny 'horns'.

The bird was very confiding and not camera shy at all, the tide was way out when I arrived and I did think it might be at some distance once I made it up there, however it came within 3-4 metres.
Distinctly smaller then a Skylark, it almost resembled a Snow Bunting in behaviour.

It was bitterly cold, the flood gates to my nose had opened and my hands were stinging from the biting winds. I stayed as long as I could before I retreated back to the warmth of my car.

What a stunner!