Holiday and Trip Reports

31/10/2014 Brotton, Cleveland

Eastern Crowned Warbler: Awesome!

What a bird especially after my mega dip on last weeks Cuckoo, I was very pleased to connect with the UK's third ever EC Warbler. 

Jon and I left at 6am and made good time, once we arrived we had a two hour wait - it felt a lot longer! 

My first sighting was in my opinion untickable as I caught the bird flying high from one tree to another, however it didn't take long to track the bird down. 
Once I did the bird gave me cracking views of it's crown stripe, I was surprised how pale it was but I guess after a journey from China it's bound to not look it's best. 

As the bird moved through the trees the large gang of twitchers moved with it, where it occasionally sat out on bare branches for all to see. 

After Jon and I had our fill we made our way to Saltburn sea side and had another treat, a big bag of chips! Nice.