Holiday and Trip Reports

21/08/2014 Houghton Green Pool

Ruff: I was hoping for a few common sands however the only wader around the edges was this single Ruff.

Being my first Ruff at Houghton pool I was happy to take that trade and spend an hour snapping the bird.
The most notable thing was the shear amount of hirundines flying over the pool. Tons of Swallow and House Martin with a smaller number of Sand Martin among them.
Sand Martin:  I set myself the challenge of capturing an image of one of the hirundines swooping over the pool, so I sat on the edge of the bank facing in to the wind and snapped away.
Pied Wagtail: While sitting there getting frustrated with my inability of freezing an in-focus image of a Swallow, a huge flock of Linnet started feeding in the grass on the far bank and a family of pied wags came rather close.