Holiday and Trip Reports

04/10/2013 Audenshaw Reservoir

Great Skua: I was told today that we make our own luck when it comes to birding, well I tend to agree and that's why I took a quick detour to Asda on the way and picked up a pack of fresh fish!

This was to lure the Skua closer to my camera lens as well as helping the bird out as I'm sure a bit of free fish would be greatly received - as you can see!

It was good to bump in to Jaz a local birder from the Manchester area who got some suburb shots and had the same idea as me and came prepared with some sprats.

The bird was very confiding and came right up to me before flying off to the middle of the pool to digest its free meal.

It was such a shame about the lighting though as if we had blue skies and sunshine these pics would be a lot better - not bad I guess considering the light.

Other birds of note included a single female Wheatear and half a dozen Goosander.