Holiday and Trip Reports

25/06/2013 Raby Mere

Mandarin Duck: I have finally bagged my bogey bird!

OK don't laugh or throw me a strange look, but ya that's right I have never seen Mandarin Duck in the wild before, until now.
I have been out targeting Mandarin several times down to the banks of the River Dee and Eccleston, along the River Weaver and I have been to Raby Mere a few times, all without seeing any Mandarin.

Theses duck are really smart birds even without their  very fancy breeding plumage. When I first arrived I spotted five birds on the far side of the bank and then they within several minuets they came off the bank in to the water and closer towards me.

They are charming little birds.

There was not much else on the Mere apart from a dozen or so Mallard and the usual mixed breed domestic ducks and two Grey Wagtail that flew in to a overflow pipe in the side of the wall.