Holiday and Trip Reports

14/06/2013 Turton Golf Course, Bolton

Greenish Warbler: This was one twitch I won't forget, I was unable to go yesterday after seeing the bird on birdguides so I decided to go first thing this morning.

I parked on Cox Green Road and ambled down past the golf course, where the bird had been reported to be.

And it was here I was waved over by Anthony Wainwright, the groundsman who found the bird, he offered me a lift in his golf buggy trailer thing. What a very nice man!

This was one white knuckle ride as I held on for dear life, clutching my camera while we bounced across the golf course!

The bird was constantly singing and showed really well for most of the time that I was there, I also met Jason Atkinson who took some awesome photos, check his blog out here