Holiday and Trip Reports

22/05/2013 Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB

Black-tailed Godwit: These stunning elegant birds are just one of the 682 coastal species for which we have trends, 60% have declined and 29% have declined strongly according to The State of Nature Report published today, see the RSPB link below.

These were taken from Burton Mere Wetlands Inner Marsh Farm hide (IMF).

This part ofthe reserve I shamefully rarely visit as it is superb, with closer views of Black-tailed Godwit and much more.

Sanderling: NOT LITTLE STINT! While enjoying views of Common Tern and talking to Ron Thomas in BMW's Visitor Centre  hide I was tipped off by Tony that there was a few Little Stint over at IMF so I shot straight over.
The State of Nature Report -

*****MUST READ*****