Holiday and Trip Reports

05/04/2013 Houghton Green Flash

Ringed Plover: Back from my trip to sunny but windy Essex, dam eastalies. I decided to go Grebe hunting, Black Neck specifically, and headed to Houghton Green Flash a large fresh water pool next to the M6 motorway and over the road from Woolston Eyes.

There has been reports of the Black Necked Grebes here over the few Days I was in Essex, but as I arrived they had all disappeared, there was no sign of them at all. However I did spot 3 pairs of Great Crested Grebes, 1 Redshank and 4 Ringed Plover.

Kingfisher: Trying to find the place was hard, OK I had no Sat Nav or map apart from the scribbling's (which I never actually followed) Dawn wrote before we left. I dropped her off at work and was soon lost but ended up at Sankey Valley Park were I was surprised to see a pair of Kingfisher on the Sankey Canal.

I also heard my first Chiffchaff of the year here and spotted a tone of garden birds, nice little place.